Database architectures That Are Hybrid Lead The Way

 In the recent decade, hybrid databases have evolved, with a concentration on cloud environments. "Hybrid Transaction/Analytical Processing" (or HTAP) was coined by Gartner in 2013 and is characterised as "an emerging application architecture that 'breaks the wall' between transaction processing and analytics." It allows for better-informed and'real-time' decision-making."

The new HTAP architectures are meant to execute transactional and analytical operations at the same time, providing businesses with more consistency in automated online decision-making and software designers with more freedom when designing and updating applications.

A quick examination of the "old" hybrid database model is useful in understanding how the "new" hybrid database model operates in the cloud. Early hybrid databases integrated in-memory and on-disk data storage, taking advantage of the advantages of each.

Hybrid database

To establish a single unified engine, a hybrid database combined both on-disk and in-memory database functionalities. This combination allowed for high-speed data processing in the main memory as well as massive storage capabilities on the physical drive. The advantages of a hybrid environment over in-memory and disk-resident databases were significant at the time, but as data storage grew more affordable, they diminished.

On-disk databases are often slower than in-memory databases. Data stored directly in RAM has an extremely rapid reaction time and a low latency. RAM is non-relational and can be associated with NoSQL systems (where the work is done).

On-disk databases, on the other hand, have a large storage capacity and offer low-cost data storage. Unfortunately, because they are designed primarily for storage and data retrieval, their "performance" is awkward and slow. Furthermore, the storage design makes extensive use of the CPU's resources in order to optimise disc access patterns. Relational (or SQL) storage systems can be linked to on-disk storage.

Bringing Relational and NoSQL Databases Together

A modern business's hybrid database must incorporate cloud computing into its design in order to compete. It should be built in such a way that it can be used in both public and private clouds. This goal can be achieved by combining relational and NoSQL databases, which gives high availability, scalability, and reliability. Both NoSQL and relational databases have advantages and disadvantages, and integrating the two can optimise benefits while reducing drawbacks.

The data in a relational database is kept as relations (arranged in "tables") and can be accessed using SQL or similar structured language. Online analytical processing (or OLAP) and delivering powerful, continuous online transaction processing are two areas where relational databases excel (or OLTP).

A NoSQL database, on the other hand, stores data using a range of more flexible, nonrelational models rather than tables (key-value, graphs, document, etc.). Complex, distributed systems can access unstructured and organised data in the database more easily with NoSQL. Many NoSQL databases are compatible with OLTP, and many data access patterns provide low-latency solutions. The NoSQL search databases were created with analytics in mind.

Performance and Scalability

Relational databases scale vertically, which means that as the amount of data grows, more storage and processing power is sent to the single computer that is doing the work. Vertical scaling is inconvenient and costly.

In contrast, NoSQL databases scale horizontally, which means that as the amount of data grows, the system extends by adding more servers for compute power and data storage. This is a more cost-effective alternative to vertical scaling.

The new hybrid platforms employ scalable transactional processing, eliminating the need for the entire database to be kept in memory. This permits relational tables to be used. Organizations can use real-time analytics to provide immediate decision-making capabilities while analysing enormous amounts of data.

ACIDITY (Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, and Durability)

Because of horizontal scaling, NoSQL databases often do not preserve ACID features very well (though some do). They employ BASE principles (Basically Available, Soft State, Eventually Consistent), which are far more adaptable than relational database design. NoSQL is primarily intended for large-scale data analysis. Relational databases, on the other hand, are meant to adhere to ACID properties and, as a result, can provide this capability to a hybrid database under development.

To guarantee the consistency and isolation required by ACID characteristics, an OLTP system often uses row-oriented data storage (relational or SQL). OLTP databases must be ACID-compliant in order to maintain data integrity.

Transactions in OLTP are a series of stages that are coordinated to generate a single unit of work. A transaction is only successful if all of the steps are completed successfully. If one part of the transaction fails, the entire transaction will fail. This function ensures that a customer's funds do not vanish while being moved to another account. The transaction will fail if the money does not arrive in the recipient's account.


Relational databases have static, pre-defined designs, whereas NoSQL databases have a dynamic, flexibility-focused architecture. Attempting to change a SQL database's design is complex and frequently fails. In contrast, NoSQL can rapidly adapt to changes in its structure. This is one of the reasons why NoSQL databases have become so popular in Agile environments. NoSQL databases can manage unstructured, semi-structured, and structured data, but relational databases can only handle structured data.

Businesses can run online analytical analysis and online transaction processing in tandem because to the flexibility and speed offered by hybrid databases. Hybrid Transactional and Analytical Processing is the term for this type of processing (or HTAP). When it comes to updating or building new software, HTAP gives developers more options. Modern hybrid databases are ideal for real-time, data-driven applications.

Source: data science course malaysia , data science in malaysia 

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